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The Spring Tune Up for Not-For-Profits and Community Organizations

A workshop series to get your organization ready for the year ahead!

These dynamic workshops cover the essentials needed by all not-for-profits and community organizations to make the most of their passion, boost their resources and maximize their impact.

The workshops cover budgeting, governance and human resources in an interactive format, presented by three facilitators, each with years of experience in the not-for-profit sector and recognized as leaders in their respective field of expertise.

Register as an individual or through an organization with discounts for multiple attendees.

Make time this spring to get your organization up to speed, and see how far you and your organization can go!


Workshop Outlines


Saturday, March 22, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Budgeting – The Nuts & Bolts of Fiscal Success
with Anne Frost/Jerry Smith

Fundraising and grants may help to raise the resources you need to run your organization or business, but once you’ve secured them, can you steward them coherently and well? Where does “earned revenue” fit in the picture? What expenses might you realistically expect to incur, to get the job done?

Please bring whatever you are currently using as a budget structure (we won’t share, unless you are OK with this) to this workshop and come away with nuts and bolts “wise practices” that you can implement right away.”


Saturday, April 12, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Good Governance – The Gears Of Your Organization
with Jerry Smith/Anne Frost

It’s hard to get out of first gear as an organization, if you don’t understand your By-Laws, your Objects, your books, and you can’t keep your organization on course if there are only sketchy Policies to guide your way. Objects, By-Laws, Policies, and so much more, are the scaffolding that supports your infrastructure, giving you the time your organization needs to create from nothing and realize your mission.

This workshop will also cover why funders care and board meeting basics with a ‘Mock Board Meeting’ a la Alice in Wonderland, so bring your questions about Board Structure, Members rights and responsibilities, Conflict of Interest, Incorporation and By-Laws, Transparency and Accountability, Committees, Audits and Financial Reviews, and get your organization into gear.


Saturday, April 12, 1 – 4 pm

Human Resources – Supporting a Strong Team from Start to Finish
with Allena Godfrey

Human Resources. A big name for an important element of your business or organization. Charitable not-for-profit HR concerns are no different than for profit companies. What is the best recruitment and selection process? How do we properly on-board new staff? How do we manage job performance effectively? Is there room for learning and growing? How do we plan for succession? Who do we choose and why? Compensation and benefits are overwhelming. Bring your questions and let’s find some simple solutions to help you make the most of your staffing needs.

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Registration Terms – registration and payment must be completed at least 48 hours prior to the workshop.

*Please note, we reserve the right to cancel any workshop, due to insufficient numbers, at registration cut-off date.

Registration Fees

$35 Individual/single workshop
$50 Organization (includes up to 2 attendees)/single workshop
$20 Additional organization attendees/single workshop

Registration and Payment links below.


Scugog Arts Space in Port Perry, or Port Perry Anglican Church of the Ascension – specific location for each workshop TBD closer to date.

About Our Facilitators

Anne Frost

Anne is Program Co-ordinator, Arts Administration – Cultural Management

Allena Godfrey

Allena Godfrey has spent her entire career in the charitable, not-for-profit sector and all but three years in the arts. Her background in Human Resources Management has led her to consult in the arts sector where organizations are looking to streamline their policies and maintain good employment practices.

Jerry Smith

Jerry is the General Manager for First Stage Consulting and active in the not for profit, arts, culture and heritage sector: strategic planning, governance, resource development and community engagement. He is a past Senior Associate with Young Associates and a fomer Director of the Arts Administration Training Program at Humber College.


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AND THEN MAKE YOUR PAYMENT AT  https://theatre-3×

For questions, please email