Theatre On The Ridge

RFP – Strategic Planning Consultant                                              

Project Start Date: January 2024

Mission & Values of Theatre on The Ridge:
We commit to telling our individual and collective stories through high calibre productions, the creation of new plays and the development of new artists. We tell these stories in live and digital formats and are adaptive and attentive to the impact of heritage and change. We increase accessibility to theatre and, throughout stories, contribute to our community’s sense of well-being and connection.

Our values include:
Supporting and inspiring the whole community, including youth, through dedicated programs and activities.
Taking artistic risks through the support of new artists and the production of challenging, new and thought-provoking works from diverse perspectives.
Enriching and growing theatre through collaboration, education and accessibility.
Recognizing and supporting the financial, cultural and holistic worth of our contributors, participants, artists and personnel.
Engaging with and giving back to our community by sharing our history, challenges and stories through theatre.

Further organization information and activities can be found at

Project Background:
Through resources provided by an Ontario Trillium Foundation Resilient Communities grant over 2 years, we will support medium/long-term recovery by engaging a strategic facilitator to create a plan to navigate dramatic shifts in audience behaviour, changes in live performance platforms and the impact of the current cost of living crisis. The organization has not had a strategic plan since 2019, due to constant pivoting and adaptations. Goal: to complete a plan for 2024 – 2027 by end of project year one.

Project Details:
Theatre On The Ridge has initiated a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to identify qualified candidates to guide and execute a strategic planning process with our stakeholder community and the Board of Directors.

This process will be divided into three phases. Timeline for this project is two years to complete a strategic plan that will take Theatre On the Ridge through to 2027.

Phase 1/Year 1: Research and develop strategic plan, including incorporating the recently approved 2023 revenue plan, which identifies seeking out new revenue streams: and findings from board development work also being undertaken by the organization in 2023 -24 through another funding program.

Phase 2/Year 1: Development and execution of a support structure for plan implementation.

Phase 3/Year 2: Support and monitor the implementation of year one of the plan and provide recommendations for modification as required.

Eligible to Respond:
An Individual who demonstrates strong overall facilitation skills and has proven experience with strategic planning with organizations at the community level, must have excellent research skills and be able to develop comprehensive strategic and action plans.

Scope of Work and Deliverables:
We expect the project to include:
1. Design & execution of a 3 year strategic plan and business plan process that meets our fiscal responsibilities as a non-profit organization. Including budget implementation in consultation with our Board of Directors.
2. Research new revenue streams for TOTR.
3. Incorporate any new sector date/trends arising from ongoing Covid impacts or in a post Covid climate
4. Development and execution of a support structure for plan implementation.
This phase will begin in January of 2024 and end in January 2025 with the expectation the initial plan will be developed so the execution can start in year 2.
Resources are available: Patron, Production, Data history, as well as Staff, Board input/support, recently approved revenue plan and anticipated outcomes from upcoming Board Development project.

Duties to develop the plan:
Research and understand structures and purposes of not for profit organizations and comparable theatre organizations, if not an existing skillset.
A thorough assessment of the infrastructure needs, including, but not limited to space, technology, human capital and financial resources to achieve goals. As well as the findings from the Phase 1 researching of environmental and community consultations. As well, Board and staff will function as resources available for development.
Performing market research and analysis of market and industry trends Preparing strategy reports for evaluation
Delivering presentations on research findings
Monitoring of the efficacy of tactics and making modifications as needed.

Skills required:

Analytical abilities

Communication abilities

Critical thinking skills

Problem-solving abilities

Marketing knowledge

Research skills

Information Technology

Business development

Results expected:

With facilitator, staff to implement strategic plan in late 2024-early 25, develop annual plans for 2026/27, incorporating any new sector data/trends arising from ongoing Covid impacts or the current cost of living crisis

While Theatre On The Ridge (TOTR) understands that completing this project requires significant and active Board and Staff engagement, it is important to note that the candidate selected will be responsible for completing all project work and final deliverables, eg.: writing organizational assessments, writing the actual Strategic Plan as laid out in your initial timeline. You will note in the plan which aspects of the project will require Board and Staff involvement and include the expected time requirements for all activities involving their participation.

Application Process and Procedures:
Please submit the following by November 24,, 2023 to the General Manager at stating Strategic Plan RFP in the subject line:

1. A brief Executive Summary, including past experiences and approaches in conducting Strategic Planning
2. A description of your general approach including methodology, perspective, or philosophy that guides your work with organizations in this undertaking
3. Any formal related qualifications.

This is a contract position with no formal benefits package. We do offer complimentary tickets and the opportunity to work with a passionate workforce and in a supportive rural community.

“Theatre 3×60/Theatre on the Ridge is committed to diversity and inclusion in our hiring and recruitment practices, and encourage applications from culturally diverse persons, Indigenous persons, deaf persons and persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, and persons of any gender identity or gender expression. We welcome applications from persons with disabilities to the extent possible with the physical spaces of our venues and requirements of the positions available.”