Museum monologues, quilt stories and new plays.

The focus is on local arts and heritage at Scugog Shores Museum as Theatre on the Ridge joins the Lake Scugog Historical Society on September 20 and 21st for two days of Culture Days activities.
On Friday, Theatre on the Ridge presents Museum Monologues – 3 stories from our Pine Grove Plots collection – Major Thomas Forman, The Diary of Elizabeth Christie and Before the Flood, plus a short “TED” type talk on the history of Lake Scugog entitled Debatable Island Status. Performances take place at noon and 3 pm.
Saturday is a day of new plays, starting with new Blackstock based pieces written by our 2024 oRidginator Lab artists showing at 1 and 3 pm.
And at 7 pm, we’ll present a staged reading of a new play, A Third Of Richard, by local playwright Graeme Powell.
On both days, in conjunction with an exhibition of heritage quilts presented by the Lake Scugog Historical Society, we explore stories through quilts with hands on activities and, at 2 pm, we’ll share some quilt stories with visitors and encourage them to help us write a new quilt themed play. Also on display by the LSHS are other examples of heritage fine and domestic arts, including Indigenous baskets, Jimmy Frise artwork and steamboat carvings.
All events take place at Scugog Shores Museum, either under our performance tent or on the museum grounds. All events are free. Pay What You May donations are also suggested and welcome.
*Advanced RSVP is required for A Third Of Richard.. Please register below!
For more Culture Days activities visit:
Theatre on the Ridge 2024 Culture Days Itinerary
Both Days:
Quilt Stories: explore stories through quilts with hands on activities.
* * *
Friday, September 20th
12 noon & 3 pm
Museum Monologues: stories of Lake Scugog and its early residents presented in the museum village.
Running Time: approx. 30 – 45 minutes.
3 stories from our Pine Grove Plots collection – Major Thomas Forman, The Diary of Elizabeth Christie and Before the Flood, plus a short work on the history of Lake Scugog entitled Debatable Island Status.
2 pm
Quilt Stories: We share quilt stories with visitors and encourage them to help us write a new quilt themed play.
Running Time: approx. 45 minutes.
Saturday, September 21st
1 pm & 3 pm
Blackstock Stories: Original short plays from the archives of the village of Blackstock.
Running Time: approx. 1 hour
2 pm
Quilt Stories: We share quilt stories with visitors and encourage them to help us write a new quilt themed play.
Running Time: approx. 45 minutes.
7 pm
A Third of Richard: Premiere public staged reading of a new comedy by Graeme Powell.
Running Time: approx. 2 hours.
Advance registation required. Please fill out the form below!
A THIRD OF RICHARD - Registration Form
Please register for the Saturday 7 pm reading of the new play, A THIRD OF RICHARD.